Monday, November 30, 2009


As I water my house plants with left over water from work (it's free from the water fountain) in an attempt to lower my water bill, and calculate how I will pay tolls and gas in order to get to work next year (we have already been informed we are getting a $3000 pay cut) I wonder if I should ask for this:

or this:I think it's better then this...right? These commercials are nauseating.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Remind me to tell you about a gift....

And, those are so in the Dave Ramsey budget! HAHAHA!

Jessica said...

I'd definitely take either one of those, too! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Stephanie said...

Much to my own surprise, my Christmas list is very small this year. I have no "big ticket" items. Maybe my brain is running on recession? Or maybe I just have all that I need? :) Good luck on that car!!!! Haha!