Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It stands for Jenny Craig. On April 20, 2009 I became a member of the Jenny Craig world. And I am so glad I did. (However, my bank account is not....cost $435 to join and pay for my first week of food.) On my first visit, I weighed a whopping 176 pounds.
I am 5' 7.5" and I weigh 176 in this picture...David is 6'1" and weighs 190. I NEED JC's help and guidance!

How in the world did I gain so many lb's....HAPPY HOUR, BEER, HAPPY HOUR, BEER, HAPPY HOUR...I think you get the picture.

I went last week and have lost 15 pounds and am at 161. My goal weight is 135....JC wants my goal to be 140. Why 135 lbs?

There are several parties/HAPPY HOUR's scheduled at the end of the school year.

David and I go to Florida in July and I know I will gain a few lb's while there.

I will be off for 2 months with nothing to do but eat, and go to HAPPY HOUR!.......

I could go on and on, but I really need to get in shape. So, I am eating JC food and going about once a week to weigh in. Also, I have given up alcohol almost completely (and so has David in order ti support me and my goal). I went without it for 3 weeks and had a few drinks last Friday, but didn't go overboard. (David...went WAY overboard!)

So, I have decided that blogging about my goal will hopefully help me reach and maintain it...along with JC, working out, no booze, my wii fit and a bikini staring at me every day!

Also, if I nix the drinking (only until I reach my goal weight) and hit my goal before my trip I get $400 from a certain someone to go shopping with! If that's not motivation I don't know what is!


Stephanie said...

You go girl...I dont think you look bad at all, but I know what it feels like to want to reach a goal! You can do it girl and we are here to cheer you on!!
I have done weight watchers in the past, and loved happpy ass needs to start again!
Best of luck to you...sounds like you are doing great!!!

Rachel said...

CONGRATS!!! I have been on WW and it worked for me... now I am just maintaining - Good Job! and WOW - $400 montivation?!?!? HOLY!!!

Jessica said...

That's pretty neat! The author of another one of the blogs I read is blogging about her weight loss too, and it seems to help her!

Best of luck!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Holy moly..already 15 pounds. I better get on the ball or you are going to look way hotter than me in a suit!

Where's the after picture?

I'm glad it's working for you.

Stephanie said...

Emily!! You are making it very tempting for me to join with you. That's incredible! Congrats to you and your success thus far!!